** If a division does not fill, we will offer you a spot in another available division or provide a full refund. **
** Registration does not guarantee a spot. If your team is not selected, you will be notified. **
If you have any issues or questions, email
Book your room now!
Marriott Southern Hills
1902 E. 71st Street
Tulsa, OK 74136
Last Day to book Marriott at the Event Rate is Friday September 27, 2024.
Long sleeve, short sleeve, and Performance T-Shirts in both Short and Long Sleeve will be available.
"The Dogfather" will be on-site, offering hot dogs as well as snacks and beverages.
Metro Tulsa Soccer Club Fields are located at 105th and South Delaware and currently features 9 adult size fields.
Directions from the Sponsor Hotel to Fields and a Map of the Field layout can be found here.
Contact us directly at and a member of the committee will gladly answer any questions you have!